Wednesday, January 25, 2012

School Home Profile

Refer to the last two postings.
Distance = 5.8 km.
Minimum Altitude = 79m.
Maximum Altitude = 273.5m.
Descending by 195m. to the nearest metre
Arrival at Maximum Altitude after a journey of 3.24km.
Make up 6 Mathematical questions based on the data on the profile.

Colour Coding

The YELLOW Colour shows the School to Home route for a pupil.
The RED colour shows the Home to School route.
In our next postings we will explore, compare and contrast distance, route profiles.

School Bus Circuit

This is our school bus circuit showing 6 waypoints complete with icons.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Google Format : School -Knockatoon.

Here is the Google Earth format of the route. You now notice that at this stage we have presented this route in 3 formats.........Raw Capture, Profile and now Google. The route takes in the R576. Abha na FĂ©ile and Taedo's Cross. Also take note of the townlands of Knockaclarig, Knockavinna, Knockatoon all suggesting high elevation. You can also see the townland of Glencarney...the GLEN suggesting the presence of a stream.

School Trip Profile.

Here is a profile of the trip from Knockaclarig NS. to Knockatoon, Rockchapel, Co. Cork.
We are concentrating on Elevation and Distance. Note the Maximum Height, Minimum Height.


1000M = 1KM. = 1.000KM.
(Here we are working off a base of 1000)

Capturing Knockatoon Data.

This is a data capture on the route from school to Knockatoon, Rockchapel, Co. Cork.

Daylight Increase.

We are tracking daylight hours and minutes, sunrise and sunset in our locality from Monday 16th - Friday 20th 2012.

(Working on a base of 60)

Here is an example of Solar and Lunar activity at Knockaclarig NS.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Mirroring occurs when you display two images of the one location side by side in two different formats, in this case a photograph and an OSI chart.

Can you see?

Knockaclarig NS and Knockaclarig Hilltop.

This map includes Knockaclarig NS., Church of Assumption, Knocaclarig Hilltop and its associated contour lines, Knockaclarig Townland, An Bhréanach and Forestry.

OSI Image

Here is an OSI (Ordnance Survey of Ireland) showing an amount of ancient heritage such as..............Fulacht Fia, Burial Ground, Stone Row, Standing Stones and a Barrow mound.

Coming home another Route.

Just like The Three Wise Men another route was chosen for the return journey. Here is the profile.
Start analysing.

Point out some differences.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vertical Profile of a Route.

Here is a Vertical Profile of a route captured between Knockaclarig and Newmarket Co. Cork.
It contains an amount of interesting data.
The route is just over 20kms. The maximum elevation is 328m. above sea level.
Find out the minimum elevation.
What is the exact elevation after journeying 5km., 10km., 15km.?

Hint: Click on image for a better view !!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Message from The Project Leader


The GPS is a handheld device. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It is for tracking your route, making points of interest, checking altitude and gathering celestial information. Information is sent by satellites about different items to the handheld device. We first started using GPS devices around Easter 2011. Master Roche brought it to the school and taught us how to use it. I started using it to track my journey to and from school. As I got used to it I started gathering more information about the surrounding area. I entered waypoints around the locality. At school we put the waypoints on the Interactive White Board and typed in the proper names for these waypoints. We also entered suitable icons for these places. The GPS has a library of icons for town and country.

I like the GPS. I get a lot of information from it. I learned about latitude, longitude and altitude, how to name routes and waypoints, how to find icons and how to use the hidden keyboard in the GPS.

There is still plenty more tasks to be done.

Our school is preparing a GPS project which we will share with schools in Portugal, Czech Republic and Slovenia.

K-----(The Project Team Leader)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekend Tasks

The team will over the weekend set up routes, insert waypoints, name these waypoints and assign the proper icon to the waypoints.

The members will also get prepared to track increase in daylight hours from Monday 16th January 2012 to Friday 20th January 2012 in our local area.

They will publish a chart on their findings.


On Thursday we refreshed our thoughts by exploring the Garmin Hardware and Software.

Hardware Exploration:
We checked adaptors, power source, USB cable,  our laptop, projector, connection to the IWB. We also calibrated the devices.

Software Exploration:
We explored the GPS alpha-numeric keyboard, routes, waypoints, the proximity alarm, the electronic compass, the altimeter and we also scrolled through the icons.We further explored the FIND icon on the main menu.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Calendar 2012

Our school calendar will be available at the school when we re-open on Monday 9th January 2012.
Interesting images depicting school activities during 2011.


For the New Year we have decided to add a blog to our activities.